
How To: Hold Meetings That People Kind of like

“Everyone hates meetings.” How many times have you heard that said? Meetings have a connotation of being evil, horrible things that everyone is forced to attend. But that doesn’t have to be ...

Two Ways Windows 8 is Going to Shake Up the Market

PC is picking up the pace when it comes to releases. Starting near the end of October, Microsoft’s new operating system is going to flood the market with over fifty new products, ...

Three Ways to Boost Sales Before the End of the Year

Everyone’s always looking for interesting, innovative ways to boost sales and streamline operations. Sometimes the answer is right in front of their faces, yet they don’t always notice it right away. Here ...

Two Ways to Ensure You Have a Good Workday

Are you looking for ways to make your workdays more enjoyable? There’s nothing worse than showing up to work in a bad mood. Think about these things before you even head ...

Strengthening Your Brand

Having a strong, solid brand mostly has to do with consistency. Think about it for a moment. What’s the first thing you think about when you think Disney? Mickey Mouse, fairy tale ...

Having a Plan is of Utmost Importance

We go over this a lot. But because September is National Preparedness Month, we think it’s important to go over it again. You simply never know when a disaster is going to ...

7-Inch Tablets in Huge Demand, Indicates Report

Apple has chosen the perfect time to debut its mini-pad on the market. According to a new IHS report, the demand for smaller 7-inch screen models is rapidly growing. The demand for ...

How to Build a Strong Customer Service Plan

The new customer service trends are coming in for 2013 already, and we’re not even done with 2012. Small businesses are getting polled, and one victor has started to emerge: personalization. Most ...

Two Customer Service Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

Customer service takes the brunt of complaints, pressures, and sacrifice in most businesses. Not only do they have to control costs, they often have to make customers happy, uphold policy, bring customers ...

Finding and Keeping Your Most Valuable Clients

Recently, two well-established and well-known home improvement businesses, Home Depot and Lowe’s, reported an astonishing fact to the media: if they were to provide better customer service, they would see more profit. ...

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